Alicia Lane
This location seems to be a site of fluidity and change. This is my third painting here and all have been about states of transition. Originally an area of wetlands, the architecture has altered a lot in the past few years, as old Tafe buildings made way for parkland, providing a welcome patch of green. The site holds personal significance for me as I attended Tafe there in the old buildings, previous to my University studies, a passage of change for me and many other students. In this year's floods the area was engulfed by water as the river overflowed and reclaimed the wetlands once more. This painting is a reflection of water patterns and sunlight, fluidity, growth and change, sunrise and sunset. The red clouds hanging tessellated and brick like, echoing the surrounding buildings and the seeming impossibility of massive change on a geological timescale.
- Box ID
- B0607
- Address
- Merivale St & Glenelg St, South Brisbane
- Painted

Artforce is an initiative of Brisbane City Council managed by Urban Smart Projects.